
Release notes and general information about GameMaker releases.

Release Notes

Required SDKs

Required Permissions

How to report bugs

Bug Tracker

GameMaker Release Notes


Released roughly every other month. Fairly stable, but may have the odd lower-severity issue.

2024.6.2 - June

2024.4.1 - April

2024.2.0 - February

2023.11.1 - November

2023.8.2 - August


Long Term Stable means very few new features are ever added and it only gets critical bug fixes each time there is an (infrequent) update.

2022.0.2 - LTS


Most up-to-date version and released frequently, so you can get the newest features and fixes ASAP - but accordingly these releases will contain bugs, so please do report any you find!

We only recommend using the latest series of Betas (shown below) - if you need to stay on older Betas for some reason, then we would suggest just using the applicable Monthly instead.

2024.800 - August