
Release notes and general information about GameMaker releases.

Release Notes

Required SDKs (Monthly/Beta)

Required SDKs For LTS 2022

Required Permissions and Antivirus/Firewall Setup

How To Report Bugs

Bug Tracker


2024.600 - Current Version: IDE 585/Runtime 609

Download Links: Windows - macOS - Ubuntu Beta

Beta 8 - IDE 585 /Runtime Changes 609

Beta 7 - IDE 583 /Runtime Changes 607

Beta 6 - IDE 579/Runtime 605 Changes

Beta 5 - IDE 576/Runtime 602 Changes

Beta 4 - IDE 575/Runtime 601 Changes

Beta 3 - IDE 571/Runtime 597 Changes

Beta 2 - IDE 562/Runtime 580 Changes

Beta 1 - IDE 560/Runtime 577 Changes

Milestone Page

Misc New Functions

Misc Changed Functions

Misc New Constants

Misc Changed Structs

ActiveTrack {
/* ___ */  activeTracks : ,
/* ___ */  matrix : ,
/* ___ */  posx : ,
/* ___ */  posy : ,
/* ___ */  scalex : ,
/* ___ */  scaley : ,
/* ___ */  xorigin : ,
/* ___ */  yorigin : ,
/* ___ */  gain : ,
/* ___ */  pitch : ,
/* new */ falloffRef : ,
/* new */ falloffMax : ,
/* new */ falloffFactor : ,
/* ___ */  width : ,
/* ___ */  height : ,
/* ___ */  imageindex : ,
/* ___ */  imagespeed : ,
/* ___ */  colorMultiply : ,
/* ___ */  colourMultiply : ,
/* ___ */  emitterIndex : ,
/* ___ */  track : ,
/* ___ */  parent : ,
/* ___ */  frameSizeX : ,
/* ___ */  frameSizeY : ,
/* ___ */  characterSpacing : ,
/* ___ */  lineSpacing : ,
/* ___ */  paragraphSpacing : ,
/* ___ */  thickness : ,
/* ___ */  coreColor : ,
/* ___ */  coreColour : ,
/* ___ */  glowStart : ,
/* ___ */  glowEnd : ,
/* ___ */  glowColor : ,
/* ___ */  glowColour : ,
/* ___ */  outlineDist : ,
/* ___ */  outlineColor : ,
/* ___ */  outlineColour : ,
/* ___ */  shadowSoftness : ,
/* ___ */  shadowOffsetX : ,
/* ___ */  shadowOffsetY : ,
/* ___ */  shadowColor : ,
/* ___ */  shadowColour : ,
/* ___ */  effectsEnabled : ,
/* ___ */  glowEnabled : ,
/* ___ */  outlineEnabled : ,
/* ___ */  dropShadowEnabled : 